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  • WPS/PQR Approval (ISO 15609/ISO 15614-1) through Notified Body.
  • Welder’s Certification (ISO 9606-1) through Notified Body.
  • We have more than 15 years of global experience in the same domain and have highly qualified and knowledgeable auditors.
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    Certification of
    Steel Structures - EN 1090

    EN 1090 is a harmonized standard that determines the requirements for the evaluation of conformity of structural steel and aluminum.

    EN 1090 consists of 3 parts:

    • EN 1090-1: Requirements for conformity assessment for structural components (CE Marking)
    • EN 1090-2: Technical requirements for the execution of steel structures
    • EN 1090-3: Technical requirements for the execution of aluminum structures

    Since 1st July 2013, all construction products commercialized in the European market must comply with Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and be CE marked.

    All companies with selling activities in the European Union must comply with EN 1090-1 and certify their production facility with a Factory Production Control (FPC) system.

    EN 1090 Certification Process

    For certification, you need to apply for an assessment for a specific execution class by a notified body.
    The certification process spans over the following steps:

    1. Initial Type Testing and Initial Type Calculation: The manufacturer is assessed whether he fulfills the requirements to deliver load-bearing components and kits that are compliant with the applicable standard through ITT and ITC.
    2. Factory Production Control: Based on ITT/ITC, our experienced professionals then assess the manufacturer in order to check if there is a factory production control implemented that includes documentation and maintenance. This is done to ensure that the products placed on the market have the necessary and declared performance features.
    3. Training and Qualification of Personnel: The third step involves training the personnel involved and ensuring they possess the requisite knowledge and qualification.
    4. Initial Inspection: This step is performed by the Notified Body to check and verify that the FPC is suitable for standard-compliant manufacturing of components and kits.
    5. Ongoing Surveillance: The Notified Body performs regular mandatory continuous surveillance of your FPC to ensure consistent high quality and standard- compliant manufacturing of components and kits.

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    EN 1090 concerns all manufacturers of metallic parts or kits (beams, hollow sections, bridges, grates, metallic grids, stairs, guardrails etc.) that are used as construction products in buildings, bridges, towers/pylons, silos or photovoltaic bases.

    Railway sleepers and suspended ceilings are excluded from this standard. 

    EN 1090 standards have 4 defined execution classes (EXC), which each hold their own set of requirements. A structure’s execution class is defined by the engineering effort that is needed to implement the design parameters. The classes include:

    • EXC 1: This is comprised of structural components made of steel up to the strength class of S275 and structural components made of aluminum alloys. This class also covers agricultural buildings.
    • EXC 2: This is the most common class and covers all supporting structures made of steel up to strength class of S700.
    • EXC 3: This class covers supporting structures made of steel up to strength class S700 as well as structural components that are made of aluminum alloys.
    • EXC 4: This includes all structural components that hold serious consequences for people and the environment in case of failure.

    Manufacturing construction stakeholders must comply with the requirements of the new EN 1090 standards to obtain the CE Marking for their structures and put them on the European market. Without the CE Marking, stakeholders face potential legal consequences for any damage caused by these structures.

    Under the new requirements, manufacturers must prove the conformity of their products through type testing and the certification of their Factory Production Control (FPC) by a third-party Notified Body before issuing a Declaration of Performance.

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    We are your trusted partner in audits and certifications. We are a leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive auditing and certification services to businesses across industries.

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